
Eric Johnson — Music Director

Chancel ChoirChancel Choir

Chancel Choir is the 45 voiced SATB  (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) choir that helps lead worship in our 10:00 AM traditional service. This choir regularly performs anthems and offertories from a wide variety of musical styles. They have performed works by the masters such as Handel, Bach and Faure, and are equally accomplished in gospel and contemporary styles. Chancel Choir rehearses on Wednesday nights from 6:45-8:00 PM in our sanctuary. We are a very welcoming groups and would love to have you join us!

Praise and Worship Team

The Praise and Worship Team provides the music once each month during the 10 AM Service.

The Praise and Worship Team generally practices one evening a week in the sanctuary. Contact the office for current time.

Handbell Choir

The Handbell choir practices on Sunday at 11:20 am.  They play in service about once a month.  If you’d like to try it out, just stop by or contact our music director, Dr. Eric Johnson.

Celebration ChoraleCelebration Chorale

Sally Mullis — Chair

The Celebration Chorale on Facebook

The Celebration Chorale is a community-wide    interdenominational chorale that performs 2  times a year. They meet on Wednesday nights at  8:00 p.m., generally in the sanctuary.  No  audition required.